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2009-12-08 06:08:59
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blood and vampires

Town Vamp
Made by [Tis gone but never gone]

Welcome to Town Vamp ^vv^

This is a town for vampire and only vampire but something bad has happened the werewolves have moved into the town, now there is a war starting betweem them. They fight every night and day, many vampires and werewolves have died. Could a group of young vampires that are friends with young werewolves stop the fighting? Maybe? Who knows, but they need your help.

Vamps army
Weres army
Young Vamps & Weres rebels

1.No sex on this wiki, please go on Town Vamp R&R room for that but there is a password.Please ask me for it or if I'm not on please just skip time with your characters.
2.No being mean to anyone on this wiki.
3.When you are chanllege to a fight please go on Town Vamp fighting room for that, there is no password for it.
4.Please use proper english, no text talk and don't worry about spelling.
5. You can only have three characters each.
6.If you want to join please send a message to [Tis gone but never gone].

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2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor looks into her eyes "that's not what your scent is telling me so it would be safer to get you out of the city or should I go get max?"

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: Max walked in to his house

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed,"I'm not pregant!"

Sarah sighed as did her parents.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "well my nose has yet to be wrong"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked away,"I'm going home." she pouted.

Sarah sighed again as did her parents.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor turns to walk away "I will keep this all to myself"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle got in her car and she drove home and she pouted the whole way.

Sarah,"I'm going home." she walked away.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor turns into his wolf form and runs back to the house as fast as he can getting there just before michelle

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: Max looked around the house seeing his dad was at work

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle parks the car and sh runs to her room and locks the door.

Sarah got in her car and drove home.

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: Max went to his room turning off his phone

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor walks in then knocks on michelle's door in human form

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle yelled,"What?!"

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: MAxxhangd to a wolf nd layed on his bed

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: "may I come in?"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle unlocked her door and she opened it,"Fine."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor walks in and closes the door behind him hugging michelle tightly

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle hugged him.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor holds michelle rubbing her back as he still smells of elle "I know how much this law sucks"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor holds her "your lucky you and the guy you chose are out in the open"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor rubs michelle's back

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I'm not pregant,you know."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: "yea but you want to be that's why the scent is there" devor lets go of michelle

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned and she sat on the bed.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at michelle "you know I will try to help you and max if you want"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed and she nodded.

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: Max slept as a wolf on his bed

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor sits on the bed next to michelle

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle fetl something in her pocket and she frowned.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: why you frowning?

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle she pulled out the preancy test she had done and she looked at it. Her jaw dropped.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: "I guess I was right"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Oh my god!"

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: "Is every thing ok?"devor looks over her shoulder

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Max is sooo going to kill me, when he finds out."

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: Max sleept more

2009-11-14 [shadows of life]: Shade mewed.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor rubs michelle's back "he won't kill you"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"He will."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: "what makes you so sure of that?"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"You didn't see his face the last time I did a pregancy test. He looked like he going to freak out."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: "well he may freak out but he will be happy"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Maybe.....but I don't know."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "well you will just have to tell him"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I'll tell him in the morning."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "well thats good for him. I should find out about elle though"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at him,"What about Elle?"

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor looks down "me and elle are kinda together you could say"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled and hugged him,"I'm so happy for you."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor hugs her back but then pulls away "although I still like your sister so I just don't know what to do with myself"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at him,"Do what is in you heart."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor walks out of the room "you should get some sleep"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Night Devor."

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor closes the door "night michelle" he walks to sarahs room and knocks

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looks at the test again,"Shit."

Sarah was in the kitchen drinking a bag of blood.

2009-11-14 [shadows of life]: Shade walked up to Sarah.

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah picked him up and put him on the counter ad she petted him.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs and walks to the kitchen

2009-11-14 [shadows of life]: Shade purred.

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pets him more as she drinks from the bag.

2009-11-14 [shadows of life]: Shade purrs.

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: devor walks in then stop in the door way "I was looking for you sarah"

2009-11-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah turnsto him and she finshes her bag and puts it in the bin,"Why?"

2009-11-14 [bronze dragon]: "well its because I am attracted to you"devor is looking into sarah's eyes

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged,"So?" she picked up Shade and held him close to her as she petted him.

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade purred as he nuzzled her.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: evor walks over to sarah

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah kisses Shades head and pets him more.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor puts his arms around sarah

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade purred more. 'Can you tell him to back up.' Shade asked.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah steps back.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her then grabs 4 bags of blood and puts them into his bag "you should get michelle out of town. do you know where there are any dried meats here?"

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: 'I saw a smoked meet place in town.' Shade sent.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"I know, but I want her to tell Max first before I take her to our cousin Hallie."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max was sleeping in his bed still

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs grabbing a hunk of meat "well Iam going to leave as well I have some one I should be taking care off I guess. but you know where I truely wish I could be" devor runs your of the house at top speed heading into the woods eating the meat as he runs

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed and she petted Shade more.

Elle was asleep in the woods.

Michelle called Max.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled over and picked up his phone almost still asleep, "Yello?"

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor runs to elle with half the meat still there and waves it in front of her nose "wake up"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle yawns and wakes up.

Michelle,"Ummm hey Max."

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "here eat up"

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Hey Michelle." He yawned

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade purred.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle started to eat in wolf form.

Michelle bit her lip,"Ummmmm....Max I need to tell you something."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah keeps petting him as she walks to Shells room.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor stays in his human form and starts a small fire pulling out a bag of blood and drinking it

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed his eyes, "Yeah what is it?"

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade purrs.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I really don't want to tell you over the phone,Max. But I will if I have too."

Sarah keeps walking as she pets Shade.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor finishes his blood "I want to ask you something"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: "well are you pregnant?" devor looks at elle

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shook her head.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I can come over." He sat up waking up a bit gwtting worried

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor tackles elle

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Okay."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I'll be over in a bit." He hung up and changed

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sat on the bed with a sigh.

Sarah walks in Shell's room,"We need to talk." she sat next to her.

Elle looks at him.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles down at her and holds her

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max bit his lip as he walked out of his room hoping his dad was still asleep

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle smiled.

Sarah,"Why weren't you guys safe?"

Michelle shugged.

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: She purred.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor then sits up warming his hands by the fire

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled not hearing his dad as he walked out of the house

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ell sits up and eats more.


Michelle,"Heat of the moment,sis."

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade looked up at her.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor sits there staring into the flames "elle I am not sure but Iam going to have to leave you"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shifted back into her human form,"Why?"

Sarah nodded.

Michelle sighed.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max started to walk to Michelle's

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah hugged her.

Michelle was shock her sister was hugging but she hugged back.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her "its just safer for you if I do"

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade nuzzled them.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max knocked on Michelle's door

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Come in!"

Michelle hugged her more.

Elle,"How so?"

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max walked in and to Michelles room looking in, "Hey."

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: "I wouldn't want you killed for getting pregnant" devor looks at elle

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade looked at Max.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle,"Oh..."

Michelle looked at Max,"Hey."

Sarah pulled back and picked up Shade and she stood up,"Sis,when your done talking to Max. Call for me."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max walked in and smiled at her as Sarah walked out, "Whats wrong you sounded a bit sad."

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at the ground

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle bit her lip,"'s really hard to say,Max.....but...I'm.....I'mm..pregant." she looked down.

Elle frowned.

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade mewed and looked up at Shara. "What is Max."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah looked at Shade as she walked to her room,"Half breed."

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade nodded.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah nodded.

2009-11-15 [bronze dragon]: devar kisses elle's cheek

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade nuzzled her.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max's jaw droped as he sat by her, "Your what?"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle was still lookin down,"I'm pregant."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max hugged her

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle hugged him back bit,"Your not mad at me?"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah ketped petting him.

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade purrs.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head, "No why whould I be, now I'm just worried about you two."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michell hugged him tightly.

Sarah sat on her bed.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Have you told your mother and father?"

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade nuzzled her.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Devor kinda told them, but I don't think they believed him....but Sarah did."

Sarah looked at the clock.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Maybe we should go tell them ourselfs?"

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "Waiting for something?"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Yeah,I'm waiting for Shell to finsh talking to Max, so I can get her out of town."

Michelle,"I guess, but Max, I'm leaving with Sarah soon."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at her not sure what to say

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade nods.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at him,"It's with the new law, so I'm going to live with my cousin Hallie,in New York. I'm sooo sorry, Max."

Sarah nodded as she petted im.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned more and hugged her, "What about me?"

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade nuzzles her.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle hugged him,"I do want you with me....but your dad and college.....I don't want to take you away from that."

Sarah petted him more.

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade purred.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max held her, "I don't care I want to be there for you and the baby."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle didn't know what to say.

Sarah petted him more.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max just held her more

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade purred.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle held Max tightly,"I'm sorry but I have to go now." she pulled at away from him.

Sarah stood up still holding Shade and walked to Shell's room.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned not sure what to say

2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Shade mewed.

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah opened the door,"You ready to go,Shell?"

Michelle looked at Sarah,"No, but I guess I have to go." she grab her bag and handed it the Sarah.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned wordless

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle blinked back the tears and she kissed Max,"I love you,Max."

Sarah took the bag,"I'll be at the car." she left the room

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I love you too..." He managed to get out

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled a bit and she took a deep breath.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max was just staring at the floor unsure of what to do and too shocked to move

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at him and she knelt in front of him. She put her hands on his face and made him look at her,"It's for the best, Max."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head, "LEt me come please."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I do not want to trap you."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: AMx, "Your not and you wount."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Max, I'm only going to be way for three days if my dad can stop the law. But if he can't I won't be coming back.......ever."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max's face pailed he wasn't sure what to say again

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"If dad can't stop the law, then I'll get Sarah to bring you to me, okay?"

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"But if he dose stop it then I'll come back."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded again

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned,"Say something...please."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I don't know what to say, I found out where going to hav a child and now your leaving..."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I know it's a lot to take in..."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded slowly

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle put her forhead to his.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max looked in her eyes

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked in his eyes.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled a bit at her

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled at him,"I guess you can come with me."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more and kissed her, "Thank you."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled,"I just couldn't stand to see you looking all sad and stuff." she kissed him.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smled and hugged her, "I just can't stand not being there with you/"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled as she hugged him.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more nuzzling her

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nuzzled him back.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled, "is your sister going to kill me?"

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I deal with her."

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: MAx sighed, "No just let her do what she wants to get it out of her system."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max kissed her again, "Why did you say sorry when you told me like it was your fault."

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shugged and kissed him.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and kissed her back

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle kissed him more.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max held her closer kissing her deeper

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle moved closer as she kissed him deeper.

Sarah beeped the horn.

2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max jumped and pulled away

2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle blushed,"We'd better go." she stood up.

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